First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Which animal are you interested in* Choose an animal: 1Cat Not Listed 1Dog Not Listed Allistair Ariel Avery Barn Cat Bonnie Bradford Bruce Celine - Must Apply in Person Chuck Cinnamon Sugar Cookies & Cream Crew - Must Apply in Person Darby- Must Apply in Person Dawn - Must Apply in Person Denise Dot (FS) Dustin Emmie Eva Frankie French Toast Galadriel Gary Gertie Gertrude Glitter Gretchen Wieners Gus Harper Heart Heath Jack Jade Judy - Must Apply in Person Karen Smith Kylo Maki Miso Miss Kitty - Must Apply in Person Mochi Ollie Patricia -Must Apply in Person Patty Cake Peeps - Must Apply in Person Phillip Princess Purrsephone Rocco Sasha-Must Apply in Person Sheba Shelly Bean Simone Soot Sprite Sweet Pea - Must Apply in Person Tahini Tennille Topaz Touka Wilson (PS) Zac (PS) Zelda Zoe
Age: (You must be at least 21.) *
Once you submit your online form, you will be contacted after your application has been reviewed and approved by EMAIL and put in direct contact with the designated application counselor. Scott County Humane Society is located in Georgetown, Kentucky. We welcome local adopters and out of state adopters who are willing to come to Georgetown, Kentucky to pick up the adopted pet! Please be sure to check your email. I understand this policy.
What traits are you looking for in a dog?
If you are applying for 1 Cat or Dog Not Listed, what is the name of the animal you are interested in? If there is not a specific animal and you are looking for recommendations, please explain what you are looking for.
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own
In what type of home do you live* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal Choose one: Yes No
If you marked that you own your house please answer the following question. According to the PVA are you the owner of your property?
If you rent/do not own your property, please enter your landlord/property owner's name and phone number
Please list the age, gender and relation of others who reside in your household*
Do you anticipate any major changes to your household in the future such as a new baby, moving, marriage etc. If so, please explain.
Who in the household will care for the pet*
Will the animal be kept inside or outside* Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day*
Where will the animal be kept when you are not home*
For all pets living in your household please list the name, species, age, if spayed, neutered or intact, where kept (indoor/outdoor/both), and most recent vaccination date.
Describe how you will train the pet*
Have you ever given up a pet? If yes, please explain*
Is your yard fenced* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced
What type of fence* Choose one: Chain Link Invisible N/A Privacy
I certify that the information entered on this applicant is true. Enter your name and date*